
Kedves Pilóták!

Alább találjátok a Monaco-i starthelyet kezelő Francia klub levelét, melynek tartalma röviden a következő:

Az elmúlt 4 évben rengeteg baleset történt, a Magyar, Cseh és Lengyel pilótákkal a térségben. Ezért úgy döntöttek, hogy a jövőben csak az repülhet ott, aki minimum IPPI 4 (Pilóta I. jogosítású személy), és van ott egy oktató is. Aki IPPI 5, az teljesen önállóan, oktató jelenléte nélkül is repülhet. Amennyiben ezek a szabályok nem lesznek betartva, a starhelyet lezárják az adott ország pilótái előtt.

Nice, April the 15th 2011,

To the Presidents of the Hungarian, Polish and Czech paragliding federations.

N/Réf. : jcb11021.doc

Object : Access to Roquebrune flying site

Dear Presidents,

Roquebrun’aile association and the FFVL have registered, between January the 15th and March

the 15th over the last 4 years period, many visits from pilots coming from your countries.

We had during these 8 flying month 38 accidents. This year, since last December, we had 6

accidents, the last one being a fatality for a Czech pilot.

Today, after too many and often serious accidents, Roquebrune flying site is endangered and

might be closed next year if nothing is done.

So we are asking you to contact all the clubs, school and paragliders pilots of your countries and

let them know that Roquebrune is a difficult site, with complex aerology and very uneven terrain.

Roquebrune is not a training site for beginners!

IPPI 4 level is the minimum required if accompanied by a qualified instructor.

IPPI 5 level is the minimum required if autonomous.

From now on, access will be denied to beginners flying alone or accompanied with pilots calling

themselves instructors without having real qualification.

We will happily accept pilots good enough to fly autonomously or accompanied with qualified


Dear Presidents, we all have the same passion for paragliding flying. Exceptional sites like

Roquebrune are jewels that need to be protected. It would be a pity for the local authorities to

close the site next year, as they are thinking they might do, because of the irresponsibility of a

few pilots and pseudo-instructors.

Please make sure that this message is conveyed. The survival of this site is at stake.

Be assured that we will be very pleased to welcome here qualified pilots of your countries, along

with their families.

Best Regards,

Roquebrun' ailes President FFVL President




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Information and contact:

Fédération Francaise de Vol Libre – Roquebrune Information :

Roquebrun' Ailes website

Roquebrun' Ailes President

DORDOR Alexandre : 336 75 70 87 14 and 334 93 41 06 64

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Roquebrun' Ailes Communication

Max LEDEUIL 336 72 58 38 33

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Head of Sport Local Administration


334 93 35 62 87 and 334 92 41 89 05

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jcb11021 - RoquebruneEnglish.doc

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